Keyword Posts

Gets posts from saved search that contains a keyword.

API call type slug: keyword_posts

Example Keyword Usage: api/v1/post.php?type=keyword_posts&keyword=mwc2013&network=twitter Example Hashtag Usage: api/v1/post.php?type=keyword_posts&keyword=%23conselldeguerra&network=twitter

Required arguments

  • keyword and network

    The keyword that posts contain to retrieve and save. The network where posts have been searched and saved.

Optional Arguments

  • order_by

    The column to order the results by. Defaults to chronological order (“date”).

  • direction

    The direction to order the results in. Can be either DESC or ASC. Defaults to DESC.

  • count

    The number of results to display from this API call. Defaults to 20. If you supply something that is not a valid number, this argument will revert to its default value of 20. For performance reasons, the maximum number of posts the ThinkUp API returns per call is 200.

  • page

    The page of results to display for this API call. Defaults to 1. When you get to the end of the pages of results, API calls will just return empty JSON. No error is generated.

  • include_entities

    Whether or not to include Tweet Entities in the output. Defaults to false. This argument can be set to true by making it equal to either 1, t or true.

  • trim_user

    If set to true, this flag strips the user part of the output to just the user’s ID and nothing else. Defaults to false. This argument can be set to true by making it equal to either 1, t or true.

Example output

api/v1/post.php?type=keyword_posts&keyword=VIH&network=twitter&count=2 (this is getting the first 2 posts for saved search of the keyword #VIH :)):

                "location":"BDN - BCN - L'H [Catalunya]",

                "text":"M\u00e9dicos de EEUU curan por primera vez a un beb\u00e9 con #VIH: /via @elmundosalud #AIDS",
                        "location":"BDN - BCN - L'H [Catalunya]",
                        "description":"T\u00e9c. superior en Doc. Sanitaria. 3o Enfermer\u00eda #UB. @Alyssa_Milano & @officialtulisa \u2665 ",
                        "last_updated":"2013-03-04 13:28:28",
                                "last_post":"0000-00-00 00:00:00",
                "source":"<a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">BBC News on iOS</a>",
                "location":"En la red",

                "text":"Curan a beb\u00e9 infectada por virus del VIH con tratamiento normal de f\u00e1rmacos #VIH #salud",
                        "location":"En la red",
                        "description":"Periodista - Locutor | Curioso y siempre aprendiz | Entusiasta del Social Media y la Com Digital | MSc en Ciencia Pol\u00edtica #Bostero @ElUniversal",
                        "last_updated":"2013-03-04 13:28:28",
                        "name":"Gustavo  M\u00e9ndez",
                                "last_post":"0000-00-00 00:00:00",