
Gets a single post.

API type slug: post

Example usage: api/v1/post.php?type=post&post_id=12345

Required arguments

  • post_id

    The ID of the post to retrieve.

Optional Arguments

  • network

    The network to use in the call. Defaults to ‘twitter’.

  • include_entities

    Whether or not to include Tweet Entities in the output. Defaults to false. This argument can be set to true by making it equal to either 1, t or true.

  • include_replies

    Whether or not to include replies to this post in the output. This argument is recursive and will retrieve replies to replies also. Defaults to false. This argument can be set to true by making it equal to either 1, t or true.

  • trim_user

    If set to true, this flag strips the user part of the output to just the user’s ID and nothing else. Defaults to false. This argument can be set to true by making it equal to either 1, t or true.

Example output

api/v1/post.php?post_id=18152896965124096 (the API type defaults to post):

    "location":"Wales, UK",
    "text":"@Stellar190 Application in astronomy, you say? Do you have any examples? :) (I don't doubt it, I'm just curious)",
    "created_at":"Fri Dec 24 03:56:02 +0000 2010",
        "location":"Wales, UK",
        "description":"20 years old. Born and raised in Wales, UK. Programmer, British Mensa member, grapefruit, terrible at writing tag lines.",
        "name":"Sam Rose",
        "created_at":"Thu Aug 27 21:32:42 +0100 2009",
        "last_updated":"2011-04-22 13:00:10",
            "last_post":"0000-00-00 00:00:00",
            "found_in":"Owner Status"